Use TF-controller
- Use TF-controller to provision resources and auto approve
- Use TF-controller to plan and manually apply Terraform resources
- Use TF-controller to provision resources and obtain outputs
- Use TF-controller to detect drifts only without plan or apply
- Use TF-controller with drift detection disabled
- Use TF-controller with AWS EKS IRSA
- Use TF-controller to set variables for Terraform resources
- Use TF-controller with a custom backend
- Use TF-controller with an OCI Artifact as Source
- Use TF-controller to provision Terraform resources that are required health checks
- Use TF-controller to provision resources and destroy them when the Terraform object gets deleted
- Use TF-controller to force unlock Terraform states
- Use TF-controller with Terraform Runners enabled via Env Variables
- Use TF-controller to provision resources with customized Runner Pods
- Use TF-controller with Terraform Enterprise
- Use TF-controller with primitive modules
- Use TF-controller with GitOps dependency management
- Use TF-controller with the ready-to-use AWS package
- User TF-controller with plan-only mode
- Use TF-controller with external webhooks
- Use TF-controller with Terraform Runners exposed via hostname/subdomain