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To detect drifts only without plan or apply

Use TF-controller to detect drifts only without plan or apply

We can set .spec.approvePlan to disable to tell the controller to detect drifts of your Terraform resources only. Doing so will skip the plan and apply stages.

kind: Terraform
  name: hello-world
  namespace: flux-system
  approvePlan: disable
  interval: 1m
  path: ./
    kind: GitRepository
    name: helloworld
    namespace: flux-system


When Terraform resource detects drift, but no plan is generated for approval

In this situation, you may not have spec.approvePlan set to disable. Try setting spec.approvePlan: auto and using tfctl replan to trigger a replan. After the drift disappears, you can set the spec.approvePlan: "" to get into the manual mode again.