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Use TF-Controller to provision resources and destroy them when the Terraform object gets deleted

The resources provisioned by a Terraform object are not destroyed by default, and the tfstate of that Terraform object still remains in the cluster.

It means that you are safe to delete the Terraform object in the cluster and recreate it. If you recreate a new Terraform object with the same name, namespace, and workspace, it will continue to use the tfstate inside the cluster as the starting point to reconcile.

However, you may want to destroy provisioned resources when deleting the Terraform object. To enable destroy resources on object deletion, set .spec.destroyResourcesOnDeletion to true.

~> WARNING: This feature will destroy your resources on the cloud if the Terraform object gets deleted. Use it with caution.

kind: Terraform
  name: helloworld
  namespace: flux-system
  approvePlan: auto
  destroyResourcesOnDeletion: true
  interval: 1m
  path: ./
    kind: GitRepository
    name: helloworld
    namespace: flux-system